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Distribution of goods

For our clients in the independent market and in the chain market, we provide and import products according to their specific requirements. We mainly deal with two main segments - dry foods and drugstore and cosmetics.

Complete solutions

For our international partners, we provide comprehensive market research services before entry and during market presence, pre-sales and sales activities, client support and distribution of goods in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. 

Trainings and e-learning

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." (Benjamin Franklin)

We are looking for ways to build customized, effective training modules and solutions for our clients, which will develop people in their organization in a long-term and targeted manner. In their implementation, in addition to standard training, we use e-learning and "on the job" training.


billing address: 

VENTURO, s.r.o.

Školská 527/4

900 91 Limbach




VENTURO, s.r.o.

Dúbravská cesta 2

851 01 Bratislava


Phone: +421 905 644 151




Warehouse Steinemann

Sikarská 10

949 05 NItra - Dolné Krškany



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